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Jun 11, 2014

Did you know that not rotating your tires can cause them to wear out more than three times as quickly? Tires that are not rotated can wear unevenly, becoming “chopped.” At first, chopped tires will be only a minor nuisance; they will be noisier and less fuel-efficient than tires with even wear. Over time, however, the chop will become so severe that the tires will no longer pass a state safety inspection, even as early as 20,000 miles!

With the cost of a new set of 4 tires being easily in the $400 to $500 range, prolonging the life of your tires for only about $20 is a bargain! Better still, when you buy a set of 4 tires from any of our Irwin locations (including Laconia Quick Lane) we include free tire rotations for the life of the tire. A good rule of thumb is to have your tires rotated whenever you have your oil changed.

Even though rotating your tires makes good financial sense (especially when the service is free!), there is an even more important reason for doing so, and that is safety. Even when a tire is becoming chopped but still technically passes inspection, it will not perform as well as an un-chopped tire with the same tread depth, all else being equal.

Tires are one of the most important parts of your vehicle since they are what connects you to the road. With that in mind, it is crucial to take care of them, both for your own safety, and to get the most life out of them. Having your tires rotated when you have your oil changed and keeping them properly inflated will help you get the most life out of your tires, while also maximizing your fuel economy.